Lend a Hand Downtown

The Downtown Florence Main Street Program wants to help you get connected with volunteer opportunities happening throughout Downtown Florence, so we created Lend a Hand Downtown, a one-stop for volunteer opportunities taking place within the Downtown Florence redevelopment district. 

Simply click or tap the images below to be taken to district volunteer opportunity landing pages where you can learn more about volunteer roles available downtown with various organizations. Don't see your downtown volunteer opportunity listed below? Fill out the form below and our team will review it for inclusion on this list. Volunteer opportunities listed must take place within the Downtown Florence Main Street Program area.

 Interested in volunteering with Florence Downtown Development Corp.? Use the Contact Us form and we'll be in touch!








Florence Downtown Development Corp. mostly utilizes volunteers for special events and programs; however, other volunteer roles may be available from time to time. Interested in volunteering with Florence Downtown Development Corp.? Use the Contact Us feature and reach out! One of our team members will be in touch with you to discuss available opportunities and help match you with something you'll enjoy.